All luxury brands sold on Curtsy for more than $250 are automatically sent to Curtsy HQ for professional authentication.*
Any handbag sold for more than $150 is also sent to HQ for authentication.
Once your luxury item sells, we'll email you a prepaid label like normal. The label will be addressed to Curtsy HQ and we'll authenticate your item once we receive it. In most cases this takes 24 hours but can take up to 72 hours depending on the item.
If your item is authentic, we'll add the money to your Curtsy wallet to cash out and ship the item to the seller. If the item is found as counterfeit, we'll cancel the sale and issue a full refund to the buyer. It is illegal for us to allow the sale of counterfeit items.
*Shipping times for authenticated items are longer because the item is first shipped to Kansas City and then to the shopper. Please reach out to customer support if you have any shipping concerns.