Offers are for when you love an item, but don’t love the price. After tapping the "Make Offer" button beneath an item, you'll have the option to choose an offer to send that's 10% off, 15% off, OR a discount of your choosing. To protect our sellers, we don't allow offers to be made for more than 40% off asking price.
On items that do not offer free shipping, you'll also see the offer option to ‘Ask for Free Shipping’.
Once you make an offer, sellers will have 48 hours to accept, counter, or decline the offer. The offer will automatically decline if a seller does not respond to the offer at all.
Like a normal purchase on Curtsy, offers are binding. As soon as the seller accepts your offer, the order will go through and your card will be charged.
You can cancel an outstanding offer only if the seller has not yet accepted. To cancel an offer tap ‘Me’ at the bottom of your app and tap ‘Offers’. Make sure you're on the ‘Buying’ tab - from there you can cancel any offers as long as they've not been accepted yet.